On Wednesday, June 1st, we were on TV! We had been invited by KING5 News to be interviewed on their morning show, New Day Northwest. And we had accepted, albeit with flutterbies in our stomachs.
It came about thanks to a gentlemen that we had met at a happy hour a few days before. He enjoyed our story, said we should write a book about our trip, and offered to put us in touch with KING5. Margaret Larson, host of New Day Northwest, seemed genuinely excited to have us on her show. She said it was one of the more fantastic stories that she had heard in a while.
We had spent all week being excited and nervous. Mary Lou was afraid that she would mix up her people and places, call her camera a 'Nike' or say we had been in Yellowstone instead of Yosemite. Nicole was afraid she would sweat under the hot lights and go blank when asked a question. But, after we actually watched an episode of the show, we found Margaret to be very friendly and sweet, and decided it was going to be fun.
We woke up bright and early to make sure we didn't get stuck in traffic. When we reached the studio, they had us park the RV inside their prop bay. They gave us a rundown of some ideas they had for the segment, and told us to relax in the green room until the show. We chatted with the other guests, but kept checking the mirror to make sure we were all put together.
They wanted us to be their teaser segment, to air during the Kathy Lee and Hoda show. They had us stand on the steps of the RV and wave and smile for the camera. Then we took a seat in the audience to watch the first segment, an interview with Riley Griffiths, young star of Super 8. Sitting the audience, watching all the cameras move around, hearing the audience laugh and clap, was getting us more and more excited. We were really going to be on TV!
The second segment was a local chef sharing his recipe for trout ceviche, and then, we were on! They had us step down from our RV in the garage and walk onto the set. Margaret asked us questions while photographs from our trip played on the screen behind us. It was smooth, and easy, we sat up straight, didn't stare at ourselves on the prompter, and Mary Lou didn't mess up any proper names!
It went by in a flash. Margaret thanked us for our time, and said she really did think our trip was a one of a kind adventure and asked if there was room for one more in the RV. We thanked her back, and while they removed our microphones, told all the crew that had helped us, that we had so much fun. They even let us keep the RV parked in their prop room while we wandered around the city for the rest of the day. It was quite an experience, and, who knows. . . if we ever do write that book, the publicity can't hurt.
Click here for the interview video!
For the rest of the day, we lunched at Tilikum Place Cafe, walked around the Space Needle, through the World's Fair Science Center, and took the monorail under the Gehry Music Experience Building back to Pike's Market. After we picked up the RV, since we were right in the neighborhood, we went back to Petite Toulouse for happy hour! A little celebration of our television debut, and a goodbye to Seattle.
Click here for the photographs!
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